The Journey
Follow along as Shelley shares her process and journey as an author.
No spoilers!

Celebration: You can pre-order Devious Web!
Exciting news to share: my mystery novel Devious Web is now available for pre-ordering. Woohoo! But what does that mean exactly?

Imagination: Book Titles and cover art
After doing the heavy lifting of writing a book, one would think that picking a title and designing the cover would be the easy part, right? Au contraire.

Collaboration: Entering the world of publishing
Writing a book is a little like the old adage: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Inspiration: Getting started and who will play Tom?
If you ask my daughter Erin Bury, she will tell you that over the years, I’ve come up with innumerable ideas for a fiction novel.