Elevation: Thoughts at a time of global angst
As a Canadian observing the impact of the US election results, I feel both grave concern for the future of America and sympathy for the overall angst being experienced globally. However, because I’m an author and professional communicator, I believe that comfort and balance can be found through reading and writing during times of upheaval.
When living in what may seem like an upside-down universe, reading is a needed diversion from disturbing headlines and sound bites. Books can take you away to a different time and place, as well as share insights on what has gone before and what could be in the future.
For example, best-selling Canadian author Mark Sakamoto’s book Forgiveness illuminates the impact of US and Canadian citizens of Japanese descent having been placed in internment camps during the Second World War—a caution against fostering hate and dehumanizing groups of people within our society.
Nurturing early readers means opening young minds to a world bigger than their day-to-day experience and creating habits that don’t rely solely on digital conduits to learning and entertainment. Safeguarding the opportunity for exposure to diverse perspectives is especially important when some in authority are advocating restricting access to certain books or banning them outright.
Writing serves to chronicle life experiences and journal our feelings. Whether kept for our own eyes or shared via a blog or publication, expressing inner thoughts and dreams can be cathartic. The Human Being Journal from Mahara Mindfulness is an option that I can suggest to provide structure for a purposeful life.
I wrote my novel Devious Web during another disruptive event—the COVID-19 pandemic—and the creative process elevated my spirit in what could have been a substantially more dreary time. The book became a focal point for productive discussions of characters and plotline with a small inner circle of family and friends.
As we move closer to January 20, 2025, hopefully marking a peaceful transition of power for the US presidency, I wish you courage in the face of adversity. And I trust that everyone will find comfort in reading and writing while continuing to work towards positive change.