Celebration: You can pre-order Devious Web!

Exciting news to share: my mystery novel Devious Web is now available for pre-ordering from Canadian and US retailers! Woohoo! But what does that mean exactly? If you don’t know, you’re not alone!

Powerhouse Simon & Schuster is distributing Devious Web! To pre-order from Canadian retailers: Amazon Chapters Indigo and Lighthouse Books. To pre-order from US retailers: Amazon Barnes & Noble Books-a-Million and Bookshop

Socrates had it right when he coined the expression, “You don’t know what you don’t know”. There was so much I didn’t know about publishing a book when I started this journey, and one of those things was the pre-ordering process. But I’m fast learning the value of promoting the book well in advance of the publication date!

For you, my readers, pre-ordering guarantees that no matter what, when Devious Web is published on October 15th you will already have a copy of the book in your hands or on your Kindle! There will be no waiting for delayed shipping and no “sorry it’s out of stock until the new year” to deal with. You can order from the online retailer of your choice using links at the end of this blog to reserve a copy, and the book will be shipped to you just in advance of the publication date.

Depending on the terms of each retailer, you may need to pay up-front to purchase the book or you may not be billed until the book ships. In the case of Amazon, your payment will only be processed in October when your copy is on its way to you.

As an author, I appreciate people pre-ordering the book because that helps Devious Web get noticed by retailers and other readers. It could lead to some outlets increasing their initial order quantities for the book, and advance book sales are added to launch week sales statistics.

If we’re really dreaming big here, pre-orders increase an author’s chances of getting on a bestseller list because they count towards those important first-week sales numbers. The criteria for books being designated bestsellers seem to be fuzzy, but typically authors need to sell anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 copies of their book to make it onto bestseller lists.

I hope you’ll be among the first readers by reserving your copy now, and I can’t wait to hear your reaction when you finally get the opportunity to read Devious Web on October 15th! Hopefully you’re intrigued to find out why CEO Tom Oliver quickly becomes a target, and how things escalate just as Tom is considering selling his data analytics company for multi-millions.  It’s a story set in Toronto and area with ties to the U.S. that pulls you into the plot and introduces you to Tom’s inner circle of compelling characters – and drama.




expectation: ready to deliver devious web


Imagination: Book Titles and cover art